This report is based on a 3-country study of Colombia, India, and Tanzania. The primary aim of this study was to identify the best way to measure tenure security in advance of a full-scale roll-out of Prindex in 2018-2019. A secondary purpose was to validate prior test results by producing more precise estimates of tenure security through collection of larger samples drawn from an increased number of clusters. The report highlights the survey’s findings on overall security of tenure in the three countries, alongside the factors that drive insecurity overall, and for different groups of people in each country. Please note that the figures presented in this report are not directly comparable to those presented in previous or subsequent reports because we use different methods to calculate tenure security.
Please click here to download the dataset and response options for each country and for all three countries. The folder includes the questionnaire file, the codebook and the country-specific data, as well as explanations and answer choices of the dataset title headings.
A separate methodological report describes the methods used to produce this study.