November 28, 2018: 8:30am-10:00am EST
Hosted by Land Portal and Prindex: Register now
What is Prindex?
Prindex collects data from around the world on how citizens perceive the security of their rights to land and property. The aim is to inform and enable changes in land and property policy that will make countries more productive and secure places to live.
What will the webinar cover?
This webinar will create a basic understanding of how Prindex works and the Prindex team will present results from data collected in our first 15 countries. We will also discuss pathways for using Prindex to propel policy conversations and movement-building for policy reform with the help of panellists from some of the countries.
Moderator: Malcolm Childress, Global Land Alliance Co-Director of Prindex
Invited panelists:
- Joan Kagwanja, Coordinator, Africa Land Policy Center
- Alfred Brownell, Green Advocates (Liberia), Distinguished Scholar Northeastern University Law School (Boston USA), and Scholar Rescue Fund Chair, Beau Biden Foundation (confirmed)
- Ibrahima Ka, Doctor of Public Law, Land Specialist, IPAR, Senegal (confirmed)
- Claudia Mondragon, Director, Land Management Observatory, National University of Honduras. (confirmed)
Who is invited?
The webinar is particularly addressed to stakeholders and partners from the countries in which we have published data, as well as those in which we are currently collecting data – although others are welcome to listen in.
The 15 countries we have already published data for are: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Ecuador, Honduras, Liberia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, Peru, Rwanda, Senegal, Thailand, Zambia.
The additional countries we are currently collecting data in are: Benin, Bolivia, Colombia, Ghana, Jordan, Kenya, Indonesia, Malawi, Mexico, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, UK, Vietnam.
When is it?
November 28, 2018, 8:30-10:00 AM EST (starts 8:30 AM Washington/Bogotá, 1:30 PM Monrovia/London/Accra, 2:30 PM Lagos, 3:30 PM Cape Town, 4:30 PM Nairobi, 8:30 PM Hanoi)
How do I register?