About Prindex

What We Do

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Evidence & analysis

We provide fully comparable, open-source data on perceptions of tenure security at both global and local levels. In addition, we conduct policy-relevant research and offer monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) services.

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Global outreach

We share our findings to influence policy and raise awareness of the urgent need for action. Our efforts include building regional networks across Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, MENA, and sub-Saharan Africa.

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Collaboration & partnerships

We work with partners such as the International Land Coalition and Land Portal to emphasize the importance of tenure security. We also share our data with like-minded organizations to promote change, including contributing to global initiatives like the LANDex land governance index.

“The global land and housing crisis threatens nearly 1 billion people with eviction. Prindex’s groundbreaking research provides essential data to protect land rights, ensuring dignity, stability, and a sustainable future for vulnerable populations worldwide.”

Addressing the global land and housing crisis

Our research has revealed a staggering truth: nearly 1 billion people worldwide fear eviction. This often-overlooked crisis in land and housing security is holding back global progress, stifling women's empowerment, and fueling conflict and climate change.

Land represents far more than a simple commodity for many people. It is tied to cultural heritage, identity, and personal dignity. Our homes are not just places of shelter—they are central to our well-being. Strengthening land and housing rights is crucial to protecting vulnerable populations and fostering a fairer, greener, and more prosperous world.

To achieve this, we need better data to identify those at risk of losing their property rights and to guide efforts to safeguard them. Prindex's pioneering global survey addresses this need by capturing the voices of all people, including those from often-marginalized groups. For the first time, we have a clear, global measure of land rights and a deeper understanding of the scale of this issue.

In addition to our global data, we conduct in-depth, country-specific studies to better understand localized challenges or the experiences of particular communities. Our analysis also highlights the intersection of land rights with other critical issues such as violent conflict, climate change, and gender equality.

Measuring global
perceptions of
land and property

Stories and News

Stay informed with the latest stories, insights, and updates from around the world. Discover how land and housing rights are evolving, explore personal experiences from the most affected communities, and follow the global actions being taken to address tenure insecurity.

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Tenure insecurity on the rise: 1.1 billion people at risk, Prindex report warns

At the Rome launch of the Global Comparative Report on Security of Property Rights for Land and Housing in 2024 presented by Prindex initiative on October 22, alarming new data revealed that 1.1 billion people worldwide feel insecure about their property rights, reflecting an escalating global crisis in housing and land tenure.

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New global data from 108 countries reveals increasing tenure insecurity – urgent policy action required

The latest global assessment of land and housing tenure security reveals alarming trends. According to the 2024 Prindex Report, approximately 1.1 billion adults worldwide—23% of the adult population in 108 countries surveyed—feel insecure about their rights to property or land.

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Launch of Prindex Report on global tenure security and property rights

Save the date! Launch of Prindex Report on global tenure security and property rights Date: 22 October 2024 Time: 17:00 - 18:00 CET Language: This event will take place in English

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